What is NTAP?
NTAP assists qualifying low-income individuals with obtaining and keeping telephone services by lowering monthly service and connection rats. NTAP reduces the cost or local telephone service, effective July 1, 2012 the discount provided under the Company’s Lifeline service is $9.25 per month for each month that the customer qualifies. The discount will appear as a credit on your monthly telephone bill within 60 days of enrollment. No cash or checks will be distributed. The telephone bill must be in the name of, or contain the name of the individual that qualifies for the program.
Who is eligible for NTAP?
To qualify for NTAP, a consumer must participate in ONE of the following programs:
1. Medicaid (NOT MEDICARE)
2. Food Stamps
3. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
4. Federal Public Housing Assistance
5. Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
6. Children’s Health Insurance Programs (Kids Connection, SAM, MAC & EMAC)
Please also be aware that the updated Lifeline Program, effective May 1, 2012, has revised the eligibility requirements and criteria which may require our lifeline subscribers to provide additional information and certifications to confirm eligibility.
How do I receive an application form?
To receive an application form:
-Download an application from https://psc.nebraska.gov/, or
-Email a request to NTAP Program, or
-Telephone the Nebraska Public Service Commission at: o (402) 471-3101 (Lincoln) o (800) 526-0017 (Nebraska Only) or
-Mail request to: NTAP P.O. Box 94927 Lincoln, NE 68509-4927
-Mail COMPLETED application form to: NTAP P.O. Box 94927 Lincoln, NE 68509-4927